Archive for August 19, 2007

fun night @ aspen

so the other day i met this awesome (and cute!) boy named flo (flo bikcin, not the other flo who runs the beach club). he was really cool and fun to talk to! we talked for a while at aspen and then i had to run off becuase i was getting tired. well yesterday we ended up hanging out again for quite a while. we danced at aspen for quite a while (hes a good dancer!). then afterwards we went upstairs and talked for a while and really got to know one another. he’s a really cool boy. does that count as a date? hehe. i dont know, but it was a lot of fun either way!

in other news, i watched high school musical 2 the other night as well. zac efron’s even cuter in this movie. hehe. so good. and the music is so much fun too! god i sound like such a girl. oh well! it was also nice to see ryan (the obviously gay one!) actually become “one of the gang” as well. it made me happy.

oh, here’s a picture of me and flo from the other night. isnt he cute?


thats all for now, gonna go see whats going on today.

August 19, 2007 at 2:39 pm 2 comments

bobby’s blog

welcome to my pointless ramblings. sometimes ill post 10 times a day, others (usually) ill probably post once or twice a week. im lazy. hehehe.

my DJ schedule

mondays 6-8pm slt: the monday night pool party @ aspen nights saturdays 9-11am slt: the chill lounge @ flo's beach club

how to get in touch with me:

email/msn messenger: yahoo messenger: bobbyoffcourse
August 2007